Cloud Management

Management of cloud resources is a critical part of making cloud computing successful. Without proper management, cloud resources can become a complex liability rather than an asset. Technology Services has developed a platform called Kion to help manage cloud resources across multiple cloud service providers (CSPs). Beginning in March, 2024, Kion will be available to all TAMU AWS, Azure, and GCP customers.


Kion access will be rolled out to TAMU AWS, Azure, and GCP customers starting in March, 2024.

What is Kion?

Kion is a platform that bundles together access, security, and financial tools with rich reporting across all three major Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) and is designed to provide maximum visibility and ease of use for both customers and engineers within a "single pane of glass" portal.

  • Access Management: Kion simplifies access to AWS, Azure, and GCP with a single interface. It helps you manage user access and permissions, making it easier to follow best practices by granting the least privileges required.

  • Cost Management: Kion provides detailed insights into cloud spending, identifies ways to save money, and offers tools to control cloud costs. It helps you track spending and budgets in detail, discover ways to save money by optimizing or removing unused cloud resources, and optionally set spending limits that automatically take action if costs get too high.

  • Security and Compliance: Kion provides a unified view of security and compliance across all cloud environments. It helps identify and remediate security risks, quickly fix configuration issues, and automatically enforce security standards.

  • Multi-Cloud: Kion aggregates information from multiple accounts across multiple cloud service providers, giving you better visibility and control over your cloud environments.

  • Reporting and Analytics: Kion provides detailed reports and analytics to help you understand your cloud usage and spending.

Getting Started With Kion

A Kion Project is automatically created for every Cloud Service Provider account that has been requested and approved by Technology Services. A Kion Project is a collection of accounts, and a user can have access to multiple projects.

Read more about Kion in our Getting Started with Kion guide.