GitHub Teams

Teams are the building blocks for managing members in a GitHub organization. They reflect an organization's structure with cascading access permissions and mentions.

To learn more about teams, please see About teams.

Team Membership

GitHub teams are created and synchronized from the Texas A&M University directory. Create a team every time a unique set of people need to collaborate on a project or repository.

Teams can be requested using the team creation link for an organization from the Texas A&M University GitHub site. A NetID login is required to create a team, and an API endpoint will be available in the future for automated and programmatic team creation.

Managing Team Members

We synchronize team members from groups in the Texas A&M University directory using Azure Active Directory. Team owners can add, remove, and manage members and other owners from the Azure portal.

You can find a list of teams you own on the Texas A&M University GitHub site. This list will contain direct links to the Azure portal for managing team members.

Users added in Azure won't be synchronized to their respective GitHub teams unless they are direct members of the organization. Instruct and encourage them to join the organization on the Texas A&M University GitHub site. After joining the organization, their team member status should synchronize within one hour.

Course- and Enrollment-based teams

We are actively exploring options to create automatically-updating teams based on course and section enrollment and hope to release this as a feature soon. In the meantime, please add students directly to a repository without using a team until we can provide the enrollment-team feature and ensure full FERPA compliance.